Episode 5 - Sheep Fever
Pardon the pun, but wild sheep hunting is a baaaad idea because it leads to incurable "sheep fever." A costly malady. But with a big payout in adventure and satisfaction.
Photo shows the source of sheep fever, a Dall's ram standing atop a rock ledge.
A big, beautiful Dall's ram like this can induce sheep fever in the most jaded old hunter. But it's best to contract the disease when young. You'll still appreciate the gravity of the affliction
In this podcast I read an article that chronicles some of my wilderness sheep hunts for bighorns and Dall's. They began in 1986 with a solo drop-camp hunt deep in central Idaho's Frank Church River of No Return wilderness not too far from where Lewis and Clark had to turn around during their 1905 attempt to reach the Pacific. Sheep lead us into some of the world's most unspoiled and spectacular country.
Photo shows author with the bighorn ram that gave him sheep fever.
Back in the day... My first wild sheep. Delicious. And it
made me a sheep hunter for life
The discoveries, thrills, and joy from this adventure soon led to Alaska and it's beautiful white Dall's.
If you're going to suffer a fever, sheep fever is the one to get. You can hear my old story on Sheep Fever by clicking on the link below.
(By the way, if you're serious about scaling the high peaks for sheep, here's a revealing article about a 280 AI rifle that makes it easier.)
Blogger, You Tuber, magazine writer, and freelance photographer Ron Spomer posts a new podcast each week. You can find them on most podcatchers or right here on Ronspomeroutdoors.com.