Trying to write a brief introduction to hunting is like trying to explain life itself. Hunting isn't a hobby so much as a calling. It's not what we do; it's who we are. We walk, we sing, we love, we dance, we hunt. Certainly we hunt for food, but we also hunt to nurture our souls, to become one with the Natural world, to touch it in ways non-hunters cannot understand. It seems that most hunters are born with that instinct, but many don't discover it until late in life, perhaps from lack of opportunity, perhaps peer pressure, perhaps self-denial. Sitting Bull captured the reality of the hunter's passion when he reportedly said "When the buffalo are gone, we will hunt mice, for we are hunters and we want our freedom." Aldo Leupold, early 20th century conservationist, described this instinctive love of the hunt in A Sand County Almanac, when he wrote "There are some who can live without wild things and some who cannot."I am one who cannot. Perhaps you are, too.In this section we will share adventures, but we'll primarily address the practical side of hunting and leave the personal, spiritual side where it belongs – inside you. Here you'll find advice, tips, tricks and tactics that should help you become a more effective hunter.
Big Game | Small Game | Upland Birds | Waterfowl | Predators | Varmints