28 Years Hunting With Barnes X Bullets
28 years of hunting with Barnes X bullets has revealed how they work and how they fail. Here’s an in-depth report.
Nature of Living in the Wild
Good old Ma Nature votes against animal rights activists. Her idea of animal rights is every animal has the right to kill and eat whatever it wants. And must. For the good of the system.
The Needle in the Haystack
We were making our way deep into the Chugach Mountains in pursuit of the Alaskan Dall sheep. It was our fourth day of hiking, the opening day of hunting season, and my first official sheep hunt. It rained all night, but we woke to clear skies and clear minds.
Growing Up with a Hunting Dad Was a Precious Gift
If I could fashion my childhood memories into a quilt, I’d sew in a bunch of red squares to memorialize some of my brightest days as a kid.¬
A red cotton T-shirt or flannel was my dad’s usual hunting shirt of choice. He’d pair it with wool pants and add a jacket and blaze orange to complete the woods-ready outfit. Back then, camo wasn’t really the trend and he seldom wore it.