Best Pronghorn Cartridges for a Weird “Antelope”
The unusual nature of pronghorns and the open habitats they roam suggest a fast, flat, wind resistant cartridge and bullet combination. Is the best a 6mm, 25-caliber, or 6.5 caliber?
Osprey Adventure
It was May, and there were small signs that spring was arriving in northern Quebec. The hardwoods had tiny buds and the pines no longer creaked in the winter winds. Small patches of snow were still visible, but they would soon disappear in the rays of the sun. But spring does not come easy to the north country of Quebec. The ice on Mistassini Lake was not surrendering. It was still thick. Elijah Awashish made his way along the shoreline of the vast lake, hunting and trying to find open water to fish for trout and walleyes. He had a family to feed.
Lures That Made History
Many years ago, I used it to catch one of my biggest largemouth bass on Indian Lake in New Jersey. I now would never consider tying it to my line and casting it into a bed of lily pads. I also checked eBay and found the same Crazy Crawler for sale for $85. I would have to be destitute before parting with that lure.