Big Bad Bears
“Find me a good flapping scalp story,” I’d say to the Outdoor Life editors at many of our staff meetings. I meant, of course, a good bear tale where a grizzly or Alaska brown bear got the upper hand and chewed off the hunter’s scalp. During my tenure at Outdoor Life, I learned very quickly that our readers had a true love affair with bears, especially rogue grizzlies.
Eye-To-Eye Combat
Unfortunately, the recent black bear attack in northern New Jersey and the first fatal bear attack in about 150 years is an example of what happens when people panic and run scared. Perhaps this deadly attack might not have happened if the young hiker had been more knowledgeable about the dangers of encountering a wild animal.
Eye of The Buffalo
“This was not the way it was supposed to happen. I hit the Cape buffalo squarely in the chest with a .375 Holland & Holland, a cartridge the size of a banana. Nyati was supposed to go down. He didn’t even flinch! In fact, the bull trotted off with his buddies.
Wind Doesn't Blow Bullets
Contrary to popular myth, the wind doesn’t blow light bullets more than heavy bullets. Something else is directing bullets far off target in big winds. This blog explains what.
Episode 11 - Hell's Canyon Mule Deer
Hunting mule deer in hell is no joke. Hell’s Canyon in western Idaho is the deepest canyon in North America. And it hides some big mule deer. Join us as we look for them.